Baton Rouge, LA — The American Advertising Federation Baton Rouge announces the full slate of board members for 2015-2016, as well as plans in the works for the upcoming year.
Board members include expert communications professionals from diverse industries in Baton Rouge with one main purpose: to advance local programs, events and community involvement.
President Becky Sadler of Emprint/Moran Printing is assuming the role after 6 years participating in leadership and membership roles with AAF-BR. Throughout her presidency Sadler aims to highlight the vitality and community that AAF-BR establishes in Baton Rouge.
“We are the ideal organization for businesses wanting to expand their advertising and marketing knowledge and connections,” Sadler says. “We have some sensational volunteers giving their own time to create supportive advertising professional development.”
That’s not all that AAF offers to the community. Members represent local businesses including Lamar Corporation, L’Auberge Casino & Hotel, Coca Cola Baton Rouge, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana and Turner Industries at events throughout the year.
“Our American Advertising Awards in the spring and Media Auction happening this November are major community events raising money for AAF-BR to continue ongoing student and community projects,” Sadler says.
Prospective members should meet and mingle with the new board at Radio Bar Aug. 27 at 6 p.m. for the first AAF-BR social, where individuals can see firsthand AAF’s impact in the community.
The slate of board members for 2015 is listed below.
Becky Sadler, President
Jason Broha, Immediate Past President
Trenton Bland, President Elect-Communications
Theresa Nguyen, VP-ADDY’s
Patrick Box, VP-ADDY’s Co-Chair
Lisa Abrams, Treasurer
Elizabeth Perry, Ex-Officio-ADDY’s CFE
Nathan Carley, Community/Diversity
Barb Braud, Community/Diversity
Lindsey Duga, Membership/Socials
Jonathan Palmisano, Membership/Socials
Sydney Stevens, Student Outreach
Rob Killeen, Student Outreach
Jeff English, Fundraising
Maggie Bowles, Fundraising
Chase Freeman, Communications
Natasha Walker, Programs