
What is CreateAthon?

CreateAthon is a 24-hour+ pro bono marketing blitz, where agencies across the country donate their time and services to selected nonprofits. It’s similar to “Campaign for Community,” except an agency hosts the event for employees and AAF-BR volunteers to participate. All work is pre-scoped and 90% of the work must be completed during the event.
This year, Brew and MESH will host CreateAthon! MESH will hold their CreateAthon Thursday, May 18 – Friday, May 19.  Not able to make it? No problem! BREW will host the following week, Thursday, May 25th – Friday, May 26th.  

The challenge that stands ahead for Brew Agency will benefit the local non-profit, Louisiana Stormwater CoalitionThe Louisiana Stormwater Coalition is an all-volunteer, grassroots effort dedicated to educating and increasing public awareness about the benefits of permanently funded stormwater management programs. Learn more:

MESH will support the local non-profit, Keep Tiger Town Beautiful. The volunteer group are passionate about keeping Tiger Town beautiful and meet every Saturday morning at a different location to clean up the city.  Learn more:

If you are an agency interested in learning more or a volunteer interested in participating, please contact us at

How Do I Volunteer?

So glad you asked! We are looking for any and all individual participants to virtually support with brainstorming, writing, designing, strategizing, coding – whatever you got! (Don’t worry, spending the night is not necessary.) If interested, contact us at

Are you a media or printing services provider also interested in donating resources? Awesome! We’ll take all the support we can get!