What is CreateAthon?
The challenge that stands ahead for Brew Agency will benefit the local non-profit, Louisiana Stormwater Coalition. The Louisiana Stormwater Coalition is an all-volunteer, grassroots effort dedicated to educating and increasing public awareness about the benefits of permanently funded stormwater management programs. Learn more:
MESH will support the local non-profit, Keep Tiger Town Beautiful. The volunteer group are passionate about keeping Tiger Town beautiful and meet every Saturday morning at a different location to clean up the city. Learn more:
How Do I Volunteer?
So glad you asked! We are looking for any and all individual participants to virtually support with brainstorming, writing, designing, strategizing, coding – whatever you got! (Don’t worry, spending the night is not necessary.) If interested, contact us at
Are you a media or printing services provider also interested in donating resources? Awesome! We’ll take all the support we can get!