Dear AAF-Baton Rouge Members,
Starting July 1, 2011 AAF-Baton Rouge annual dues will access a modest fee increase. This is the first change to membership levels in over two decades. We look forward to another great year of programming with your professional development in mind. Remember this fee includes your monthly luncheons at Juban’s. Membership rates are listed at Invoices will be sent out in July and for the first time payment will be available online at Payment can also be paid by check to P.O. Box 1707, Baton Rouge, LA 70821 or in person at the first luncheon on September 9, 2011. All payments are due by September 9, 2011. A nominal late fee will be assessed for any dues received past the deadline date. Any questions please contact Connie McLeod or Jason Feirman.
Thank you,
AAF-Baton Rouge